Governments need to consider taking more “radical” measures to tackle financial crime threats in the wake of the FinCEN Files, even if there is a risk of “intelligence leakage”, an industry poll has found.

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“Working from home full-time is an entirely different experience, particularly working from home for an extended period of time, which can be fairly stressful,” said Kevin Luo, Assistant General Counsel; GM, Asia-Pacific R&D Group Legal at Microsoft.

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What does digital transformation mean? Digital transformations within an organisation usually starts with an ambitious vision, and many issues in risk and compliance need to be considered to make the…

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As global trade undergoes a significant transformation, Diana Caceres, Senior Tax Research Manager at Thomson Reuters, speaks to Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General of the World Customs Organization, about the key challenges that companies face in the international trade environment today.

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Managing compliance with increasingly complex sanctions and embargo regimes is a demanding task in the current global trade environment. However, it’s essential to understand who you’re doing business with. The…

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